
The Chalice lay discarded in a huge pile of other magical trinkets. Bizarre staves rattled in their unruly pouches. A gauntlet studded with glowing crystals twitched occasionally. The Chalice however was unmoving and unassuming. I had a great distrust for magical artifacts like these and would have as soon left them as reached out to grab them. But something about that unremarkable golden cup lying in the dirt gathering dust struck me with its surreal quaintness.

As I touched it my field of view expanded as time slowed. I felt an intense pain roar up my arm and through my temples as a psychic scream from beyond the void ripped through my mind. The stacks of books which made up my mental library were rocked by a terrific gale which send the pages fluttering and finally loosed the letters from the pages themselves. I felt my mind begin filling. Memories I never had, tomes I never read, places I’d never visited lives I’d never lived. I knew more and more and could do less and less until finally I knew everything while unable to do anything- my whole body seized with paralyzing knowledge. I saw all things and became one with the unfathomable order of the cosmos itself. The mysterious mechanisms which spun the endless tapestry of stars unfurled themselves to me. I saw the whole world and the whole of all worlds and I saw that I was one of them and that I was all of them. Space became an object. Time became infinite around me, boundless across eleven dimensions. I am a god.

I pulled back, and as I did so the knowledge drained and garbled from my mind, my own knowledge with it.

There is a chalice on the ground. I want to pick it up now.

High Fantasy

In the beginning the world serpent was a creature without differentiation- no life or death, no good or evil, no law or chaos. This displeased the great serpent and They displaced various aspects of Their form to form the world. The World Serpent took a piece of Themselves that wished only to Give and separated it from the part that wished only to take and hungered for power. And They gave the former part form and the name of kindness. And this form became sun and moon which brought light to the night and day. And the World Serpent took Their urge to action and dynamism and separated it from their urge to inaction and lethargy. And They gave the former part and form and the name of Life. And this became apart from the World Serpent as it acted and changed itself. And the World Serpent watched as all the madness and calamity of life sprung up around it with the light of the sun and moon to guide it. But with these aspects of the World Serpent separated the Great Beast ceased to be whole and so it split into two aspects. One became the Goodly Serpent Protector, giver of light and life, and so They became the father and mother of all Good Dragons. But this left another aspect, unnamed and unitilized by the World Serpent which had now ceased to be whole. This unnamed part, dark and hungering and resourceful, squatted in the depths of darkness and watched with envious eyes the endless calamity and ecstasy of life. Appalled at its unnamed state the aspect decided it would create it’s own name and so become the origin of its own power. And this aspect became so powerful in its self naming superiority that it overcame and destroyed the Giving aspect of the World Serpent. And so this piece, which named itself Tlomnyr, became the Mother and Father of all evil dragons. Tlomnyr emerged from darkness and swooped across the realms of Life, decimating everything it could find and consuming it to grow ever stronger. Nothing the forces of life could muster stood a chance at destroying Tlomnyr, for They were the master of death and therefore unphased by it. The guardians of life lamented that, even should they find a way to slay Tlomnyr, it would only be returned to death, the dominion over which it alone held sway, and would soon return. All hope seemed lost.

But one day Tlomnyr swooped across a village on the way to a larger city and was prepared to smite it until They saw a large mass of Black smoke emerging from the edge of it. Curious, the great beast swooped down to investigate the dark smoke, but found her impeccable eyes somehow couldn’t penetrate it. Unbeknownst to her, Gnollkor, powerful wizard and believed ancestor to all modern men and elves, was concealed amongst the dark smoke. But she did not take this opportunity to try and attack Tlomnyr, a venture she knew foolish, but rather spoke politely to alert the monsters attention to her presence.

-Who goes there? The Dragon God bellowed, Show yourself and I shall reward you with a more quick and painless death!

-Ah! Said the voice, that I cannot do, for you see, I am a voice that will not cry, for I am a sole that cannot die, what am I?

The Dragon was so fascinated at the prospect of a worthy adversary truly incapable of death that They sat down and began to puzzle over the conundrum for many days. And this gave the legions of Gods and Mortals at last enough time to regroup their forces and ambush the beast just sat there muttering to itself in the forest. For the wisdom Gnollkor had which holds true even today, a true Dragon can never resist a riddle.


Characters were in a fallen state. They disagree with me. They are evil. They are abject. They are miserable.

Look! The call to adventurer! The adventurers life has changed forever. They are pursuing their wrongful ways.

It doesn’t work

It doesn’t work

Look it doesn’t work! I’m right they’re wrong.

They are taking actions. Characters are acting. Atoms are moving in a void. Are you sobbing yet?

Characters are changing. They are becoming redeemed. Their are agreeing with me. They are agreeing with me!

They are happy now. Their life has been turned around. They have acquired a woman. They like to have sex and like the same movies. That will serve them well for a lifetime.

Read this again and know- I am a god.


A cube growing smaller and smaller. A cube that is its own horizon. It speeds away at me. It flies faster and faster into itself, shrinking to take up less and less of its own space. I watched dumbfounded. There was nothing except this cube and the sound of a gale force wind shaking trees. There was no wind. There were no trees. Just the self obscuring cube and the sound. I tried to look away, tried desperately to squeeze my weeping earholes shut. I stared. I stared with my eyes and ears. The cube and the sound were all that was. I couldn’t look away because there was no away. There never had been. There was only this cube. Why did I have this idea that there had ever been anything else? What is this ‘I’ that keeps coming up so incessantly? How is ‘it’ coming up when there is nothing beyond the cube and the sound- the sound and the cube. I am mesmerised by my own abjection. I watch and am not watched and do not watch and am not I. I stare, my eyes peeling back in flowering flesh. I am horrified. The cube shrinks. The sound rages. My ears shriek- increasing the din only further. Silence!

Circular Thinking

In the dark hinterland at the edge of the world the people are strange. They breathe the water like it was air. Their skin is clammy and forever wet. They drink the juices of the old one- the Breeder of a thousand horrible broods, the Sea Prince, the Father and Mother of a thousand spawn, the terrible eminations and permutations of Cosmic dread- and he has bestowed upon them blessings to make them like Him. The people of this town are enslaved to his slumbering will and only I can possibly stop them from fufilling it and condemning the world to a terrible fate. But I too have had my blood tainted by the oily brew with a faint salty smell. I discovered today that they have been poisoning me. That is why my dreams have been hundreds of glassy eyes like seabass- tentacles- feelers- teeth- jaws. That is why I am feeling an overwhelming urge to swim in the ocean naked that so far I have barely managed to resist. I am doomed to become like the people of this town: abject, lolling, unresponsive. My mind is slipping away from me. But it is not bring replaced. That is the truly terrible thing. My consciousness is not infected by the Old one- I do not become aware of my Cultist preclivity. I simply begin fufilling his will even as my resisting mind claims to be in control. I believe myself to be investigating the town, trying to find some sort of cure for my perversion, but each day only draws me deeper into my dark fate. Even this message serves only to forward the will of the Old one. I can’t fathom how but it’s words hold elderitch instructions for those who come after. Drink of the brew of broods. Become a child of the Old One.

However, strange as it may seem, becoming one with the Old One has caused my intrusive thoughts to dissappear. I have become enamoured with a mindful bliss I could not have fathomed before. I am now, by any doctors understanding, ‘mentally healthy’. Now that I have time to think clearly, perhaps I have someway to fight back, some way to still fix this. I just have a hunch I can’t place that the solution is far far out to sea. I will swim out to it- finally free of His dark influence.

Back from a trip to an unexplored wilderness. I went curious but returned haggard and traumatised. Normal programming will now resume.

Free Will

The wire fed through a wormhole such that flicking the light switch would cause the light to turn on ten seconds earlier. It was naught but a curiosity: a product of overwhelming technological advancement mastering the flow of time. I watch the light switch from across the darkened room. I wait. I wait. I wait.

The light comes on and I stampede out the room. I begin to count 10. 9. I hear the door fall shut behind me. 8. I continue to sprint. 7. I’m going to do. I’m going to mess with time. The light switch will be hit in 6. Seconds and I won’t be there to do it. 5.

I feel my whole body go cold, my leaves burn and my muscles tense. I stop. I turn. I feel myself forcing marching towards the room. No please I don’t want to!

But I have no choice.

Time must be consistent.